Running a business takes a whole lot of effort, and extraordinary amounts of time. If you are the head of a business or trying to create one right now, you will need help from other employees, plus a few people outside of your company. One of those that you’ll need the services of at some point is a Los Angeles Accountant who can guide you.
One of the most common services provided by these accountants is bookkeeping services. Keeping track of how much money comes in and how much goes out is something that is paramount to a successful business. This is time-consuming work, so leaving it to a pro who is a whiz with numbers is a good idea.
There are other services related to bookkeeping that can be done by the same accountant in order to save you a lot of time. A good example is payroll checks, which are very important if you are going to attract and retain good help. Bank reconciliations, the payment of monthly bills, and even applying for lines of credit can all be done.
Taxes are a harsh reality for businesses, and they are very time-consuming to do. There is also a lot of risk involved because taxes related to businesses can be really complex. If you do them wrong and pay the wrong amount, it could lead to audits and big financial penalties from the IRS. Get them done right the first time and reduce your risk by using an accountant.
There is a lot of financial paperwork involved in starting a company that accounting professionals can help with. From officially forming your company to securing money for startup fees and more, let the pros do the paperwork.
No matter how long your company has been around, or how large, or what industry you’re in, hiring accounting reps to keep track of finances is a must. Just make sure they have a good reputation and experience in handling your type of company. Velin and Associates, Inc is a reputed Los Angeles CPA firm. It provides
CPA Services in Rolling Hills. It offers a wide range of services to individuals and businesses in a variety of industries. From start-ups to established enterprises, businesses rely on accurate and insightful financial information in order to maintain profitability and capitalize on new opportunities. Its accounting services steer you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting as well as support on financial issues such as initial accounting system setup, cost-containment, tax planning, investments, and employee benefit and profit-sharing plans.
These services include but are not limited to:
- Accounting system setup and support
- Payroll Services
- Cash Flow & Budgeting Analysis
- Financial Statements
- Pension & Profit Sharing Plans
- Business Succession Planning
- Estate & Trust Tax Preparation
- Financial Forecasts & Projections
- Fraud Prevention & Detection and many more.
Contact Information
7315 Sunset Blvd., Suite D
West Hollywood, CA 90046
Phone: (323) 902-1000
Fax: (323) 403-0404
Direct: (323) 528-1512
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